Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Cream-Colored Ponies and Crisp Apple Strudels...

Furniture and decor from Room Service, shoes by Dolce Vita.

Fashion Island, Newport Beach. A magical place where you can find anything at all that your heart desires. I tend to do more browsing than buying, but I'm one of those strange birds who enjoys just looking. While admiring all the pretty (and expensive) things, I decided that:

1. I will one day put sparkling checkered floors in my foyer.
2. My home will have a scattering of strange objects and savvy furniture (a given, considering my knick-knack-packed studio at the moment).
3. I must find a place to wear shoes like THIS. 
Of course, acquiring all of these things requires a generous budget, so, lastly on my list:
4. Must obtain enough freelance contracts to afford weird decor and ridiculously amazing shoes.

1 comment:

  1. omg these heels are a killer
